25 August 2010

Dry your eyes mate...yeah?

I've been very busy not blogging lately so i thought i'd come back with a vengeance. I offer up the following three videos as part of this vengeance. These aren't just any old videos however, no. They're all united by a little bit of bleary-eyed crying. You've all probably seen these videos before, but only now are they all brought together under one thematically cohesive blog post.

1. Kele- Everything You Wanted

Kele's latest single sees him walking the streets of New York, at times looking determined, at others more bewildered. It all culminates in a tear-stained breakdown. Aaawww, despite his new found muscle-bound exterior it seems he's still the introverted softie of old on the inside.

2. Janelle Monae- Cold War

I know, I know, I've already posted this, but so what? It's still good and it fits the crying criteria.

3. Summer Camp- Round The Moon

Technically this is not a video of the actual band and instead represents a highlights-only version of the film A Swedish Love Story. Teenage love, lust and heartbreak wouldn't be complete without tears, right? Nicely soundtracked by the retro nostalgia Summer Camp have quickly perfected.

1 comment:

young-shields said...

numbers 1 + 3 shan't be crying any more when i see them both this weekend

i'll dry their eyes, mate xx