The video to Hot Chip's I Feel Better shows the band for what they really are, a sexy, beautiful boy band, bedecked in trilbies, cardigans and skinny jeans like a younger Take That. The ridiculously creepy skinny, bald white guy dressed up like Jesus/a mental patient perhaps upsets this aestethic a little, although perhaps it's just the return of Robbie to the fold.
The video was directed by Peter Serafinowicz, which explains the suitably tongue-in-cheek style and hilarious results, but it does underline the fact that this is an incredibly polished and poppy single from the Chip, that wouldn't seem out of place in the X Factor charts if it weren't so damned good. As an aside, anyone who saw the amazing Look Around You, which starred Serafinowicz amongst others, may remember the Music 2000 episode which sought to predict the future sound of music. I'm still waiting for Machadaynu and the Rapping Song to assault the charts, but i'm sure they will do shortly.
Whilst we're (I'm) chatting about boy band videos, i thought i'd highlight another suitably hilarious video, this time from O Children, although this time the hilarity may have been unintentional. The promo to new song Ruins (which is alright) is full of suitably moody shots of the band members, to remind us that they're all goffs and stuff. No matter how hard they try to look cool though, they'll never escape the fact that they used to be in BoNo Must Die.
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Purchase One Life Stand
Er, you seem to be dissing on my boy Tobias a little bit there. He's a big guy, George.
And he can dance better than you.
1. i could take Tobias no problems
2. no he can't
yeah, well. Tobias's twitter ( is genius, which I am yet to see evidence of from you.
Indeed, it is just so great, that he introduced me to this.
give me time and i'll dethrone him.
also, who is jason bieber? i keep seeing his name everywhere but have literally never heard of him.
cambridge bubble?? cambridge freakin' outer-space black hole.....engulfing all popular culture in its wake
this still doesn't answer my question as to who Jason is, but he must be very unfortunate if so many lesbians look like him.
I don't like your blog. You're a Creep, You're a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? On this blog?
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