27 May 2010

New Wav(v)e(s)

Do you remember the lo-fi, no-fi, oh,hi! noise pop of Wavves? You should, as it was pretty good and his last album was only out last year. 
His next one, King of the Beach, is out this August, and there's a taster of what to expect from the tracks Cool Jumper and Mickey Mouse. Both were first heard last summer, but have been resurrected, providing an indication of the greater precision and clarity that Nathan Williams has brought to his music, aided by Zach Hill. The drumming of Hill provides a much needed backbone to the songs, now more vital than ever when each track clocks in at over five minutes.
Wavves may have garnered more headlines last year for his offstage antics (mental breakdown and Black Lips bust-ups for instance) than for his music, but hopefully this year will see the balance redressed.
I'll be checking him out live myself at The 1234 on July 24th, i may even report back.

Here's the Wavves Myspace

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