17 May 2010

Nice one guys!

It seems the point of many music blogs, of which this is one, is to provide new music, or dig up old stuff that might otherwise be forgotten. I fear this is something I haven't really been doing, so I thought I'd make a little playlist of some newer songs that you hopefully haven't heard of before, but probably have cos you're all so far ahead of the curve it hurts.
I make no justifications for any of the songs other than that I like them, but you don't have to, in fact I'll let you not like up to three of them- choose carefully.

1. Cults - Go Outside
2. Terror Bird - Cemeteries
3. Jai Paul - BTSTU
4. Heavy Times - No Plans
5. Active Child - Voice of an Old Friend (Summer Camp Bedford Falls Remix) 
6. Male Bonding - Franklin
7. White Ring - IxC999
8. oOoOO - Hearts
9. Dominique Young Unique - Show My Ass (Jay Haze Remix)

I've also been re-listening to this album again. It's possibly my favourite-ever album, especially when listened to whilst reading the accompanying notes, yeah, that's right, I read liner notes.
There are loads of great tracks on there, but this one is well cool.
Good bit o' spoken word. Menacing.
Bongwater - His Old Look

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